Sunday, August 10, 2008

Real Photo

I captured this one at the beginning of the month, around midnight, just after the rain had stopped.
It's a miniature rose bush, and as is typical for them, unscented. My three other rose bushes are 2 yellow - one pink-edged - and a pink, all full sized scented tea roses.
I'm hoping to eventually get another rose bush (not a tea rose), a scented biscuit coloured one - not bronze, but biscuit. They're out there.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Kitten photos

Yes, I'm being mushy. I've put dibs on a kitten (possibly two) from a litter that a cat of my Best Friend's had (yes, that IS an awkward sentence construction. Live with it.).

I've named her Apricot. The first one (cheesecake pose) is a photo I took the night of the day I arrived, and the second (sitting in handbag), is of the day I was leaving. She was originally on my coat, and I pushed her off, expecting her to jump down - she ended up on my bag. Not once, but twice - the second time - I'd turfed her out and put my handbag in the kitchen, and she planted herself there again (didn't get a photo of that one as I'd packed my camera away by that point and was waiting for the taxi).

She's got very pretty markings on her back, which I just couldn't capture - she's ordinarily an active little girl and just didn't want to be posed.

Shame - I also wanted belly shots - she's got a spotty belly. Num.

The other kitten I might have? Her name right now is Gizmo and she's a long-haired version of Apricot (more orange, though) with a black nose. SO cute. But my Best Friend's youngest girl wants her badly, and depending on what happens between now and December, I might have her.
I've got a few photos of her and I'll work on posting them.

Later. Got kitty supplies to search for.