Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I don't know why I haven't posted any thing since the last entry, I really don't.

I've got a camera, and I have a camera on my mobile phone (ok, who doesn't). I take pictures with that on a semi-regular basis (mostly clouds and knitting). Right now, I'm having fun with distorting pictures by moving the phone as I take a picture. I've gotten a few with nice (not great) effects while doing that, but at the time, I just hadn't even thought about putting them on here.

I'll get a few ready over the weekend and I'll post some of them next week.

Yes I will.

But for now, here's one of them...


I was passing the train yards outside Piccadilly Station, Manchester and placed the phone on the window ledge and took a picture. I mostly like it. I'd have liked more track-sleeper definition, but the buildings aren't bad.
